A demanda por meu coaching está passando pelo telhado, e eu estou tentando figurar para fora como escalar myself e encontrar a demanda em uma maneira affordable. Estou lançando uma versão de estudo em casa do meu coaching que está dentro do orçamento de qualquer um, e me coloca direito em seu computador para treiná-lo através do processo. Além disso, para aqueles prontos para o coaching pessoal, Im actualmente admitir um número limitado. Se você está interessado, deixe-me saber abaixo. Profetas de Seu Coração, Permaneça Posicionado para um Encontro de Maremotos Com Seu Poder Senhor, Deus de nossos antepassados, você só é o Deus que está no céu. Tu és o governador de todos os reinos da terra. 2 Crônicas 20: 6 Durante o culto, tive a visão de uma enorme onda de maremoto que brotava do céu e inundava a terra. Este maremoto foi feito de relâmpagos, córrego após córrego, após o córrego do relâmpago. Enquanto se movia, podia ouvir o som do crepitar do poder. Tal intensidade, mas não havia medo. Uma sensação incrível cercou-me que NADA ficará no caminho deste maremoto Seu poder. NOVO INTERRUPTOR ELÉTRICO Eu posso ouvi-lo falar enquanto a onda está batendo em PROFETAS DO MEU CORAÇÃO, AS ÁGUAS ESTÃO A PARTIR, ESTE É UM COMEÇO ELETRÔNICO SEM MARCA Eu observei como este maremoto começou a colidir sobre as vidas dos Profetas I Então ver o Leão de Judá e Ele está andando neste maremoto e como a onda cai na vida dos profetas, eu O vejo pousar no chão. Ele ergue o pé e o empurra com força. Eu vejo o que parece ser um relâmpago espalhando-se por toda a vida desses profetas e toda a atmosfera ao meu redor está cheia de autoridade e o carimbo de seus decretos de pé NÃO MAIS. É TEMPO PARA O LIBERTAÇÃO NÃO LIBERADA DE MAIS TODOS os ataques, injustiças, circunstâncias que impedem e que prendem para trás os profetas de seu coração estão sendo quebrados nesta onda de maré. NÃO MAIS A justiça, avanço, recompensa, redenção, vindicação e cura de Deus está sendo liberado. Nada está de pé contra Seu decreto de NÃO MAIS. É decretado, é feito. Imediatamente eu ouço pássaros cantando em voz alta por toda parte e seu som de um novo dia Os profetas de Seu coração estão indo para a transição de repente nos próximos dias, semanas em um nível completamente novo. Um nível da LIBERTAÇÃO IMEDIATA DE MAIS. Tal descoberta significativa catapultando os profetas de Seu coração em uma terra inteiramente nova como eles nunca conheceram. Em uma revelação de Sua Palavra que é mais profunda do que eles poderiam imaginar e uma pureza do fluxo profético acompanhado com um maior nível de manifestação do fogo do Seu amor e sinais e maravilhas Estes encontros com o Meu poder para os profetas do Meu coração são sobre Para ocorrer em tal escala sem precedentes, eles serão cobrados e depois liberados para IMPARTE. Haverá significativas manifestações do poder de Deus nesses encontros que irão CARGAR os profetas de Seu coração com maior força, maior audácia, maior despertar para sua autoridade e maior sensibilidade a Sua liderança levando-os a um novo nível de profetismo Precisão e visão. Profetas de Meu coração estão prestes a ser revestidos com maior poder, Meu poder Esses profetas de Seu coração estão agora avançando e sendo posicionados rapidamente para preparar o palco para o que Deus está prestes a fazer e então liberar impartações para encontros profundos com o coração de Deus Que verá o Seu poder libertado por um impulso súbito e aumentado de inovação inovadora em todo o corpo de Cristo. MAS VOCÊ DEVE PASSAR Eu ouvi o Senhor dizer Mas você DEVE pisar dentro Uma vez que a descoberta vem você deve pisar É completamente novo, por isso não vai olhar nada como você já experimentou antes, mas eu vou guiá-lo, ensiná-lo e levá-lo E você verá um movimento do poder de Meu Espírito através de suas palavras e vidas como você nunca se espalhou em Minha Noiva e para o mundo de formas explosivas. Mas através do seu posicionamento e obediência você deve pisar no medo será a única coisa para roubar seu novo nível de destino se você permitir que você deve passo em Profetas do meu coração, como você tem mordomo Meu coração em pureza e obediência, estou me movendo Você em um reino completamente novo do favor e da promoção agora, mas você deve viver BAIXO a fim liberar o FLUXO PURO EU CHAMO ELES MINHAS ENERGIAS Eu ouvi uma voz crescendo toda em torno de mim nesta visão tão ruidosamente que falou Eu chamo-os meu poder Porque eles sabem como carregar o Meu poder com pureza. O sentido me cercou de que esses profetas de Seu coração vão ver a presença eo poder de Deus descansar sobre suas vidas de maneira exponencial com tão grande aumento. Há um TENFOLD FLUXO de Seu poder que será liberado deles onde quer que vá A chave é que eles aprenderam a acolher Sua presença com pureza e humildade. Reis e rainhas da terra começarão a reunir-se a estes profetas de Seu coração como Ele agora começa a levantá-los para o palco do mundo. Não para qualquer outra coisa senão Sua Glória brilhar mais brilhante do que NUNCA e Seu Reino estendido. Estes lugares altos que o Senhor está levantando os profetas de Seu coração para cima verá uma onda do fogo de Seu amor varrer as igrejas, cidades e nações e quebrar qualquer mentiras que foram construídas declarando que Jesus é qualquer coisa MAS BOM Esses profetas de Seu coração enquanto ministram verá um grande despertar e remodelação liberado através deles trazendo a verdadeira natureza de Jesus e Sua bondade em VISTA COMPLETA. Esses encontros com o poder de Deus não estão apenas liberando esses profetas e lançando-lhes uma inovadora descoberta, e por meio deles, está movendo-os para um novo reino. OS PRÓXIMOS Catorze DIAS Eu ouvia as palavras O crossover está acontecendo nos próximos 14 dias. (Até 7 de julho, 7/7) 14 sendo o número de libertação e uma porção dupla. Esses encontros com Seu poder estão vendo uma grande libertação do que reteve esses profetas e liberando-os para DOUBLE Mas deve haver uma intencionalidade em entrar de qualquer maneira que o Senhor conduza nos próximos 14 dias. Significativo cruzamento em um novo reino. Este novo reino, é um mundo totalmente novo, território inexplorado, mas como eles dizem SIM a Ele, eu vi Jesus levá-los profundamente em um lugar de aprendizagem e estratégia. Eu vi os profetas de Seu coração em um lugar com Jesus, sentado em uma mesa e em movimento (o favor, promoção, aceleração do novo reino), Ele estava ensinando-lhes a nova estratégia para a temporada. Modelos de sabedoria divina e chaves de destaque na Palavra para ver os novos gigantes na terra descer. Havia um tal aumento de unção e graça neste novo reino, que eles estavam se movendo para um novo reino de superação. Deste lugar de aprendizagem e de ensino com Jesus para a nova estação, vi como o que parecia ser bombas de fogo cair na boca e canetas dos profetas e eles eram imates da sabedoria de Deus casado com o fogo do Seu amor que é Prestes a ser liberado através de um aumento significativo à medida que ministram. Houve um grande ataque à sabedoria e revelação que vem aos profetas porque há um aumento da revelação do céu e da sabedoria para saber como caminhar para fora, chegando a eles agora ESTRATÉGIA Os profetas estão se movendo para um nível mais elevado de divino Estratégia pessoal e corporativa. Profetas do Seu coração, permaneçam postos A oposição tem sido implacável este último todo, mas estes próximos 14 dias são cruciais Não desista Prenda. Porque encontros significativos com Seu poder estão em cima de você para trazer libertação a você e atravessá-lo em um todo New double portion realm Autor: Lana Vawser Lana Vawser cresceu no Condado de Sutherland, em NSW, na Austrália. Ela começou seu relacionamento com Cristo em 1996, logo depois disso, ela começou a entender e crescer em sua doação profética tanto para os indivíduos quanto para o corpo maior de Cristo. Desde então, ela tem ministrado em vários papéis nas igrejas locais, ao publicar mensagens proféticas através de listas de e-mail ou on-line. A partir de 2014, Lana tem sido apresentado regularmente na The Elijah List, o Australian Profético Council, e mais tarde Charisma Magazine. Lana tem um coração para encorajar o corpo de Cristo e os indivíduos em suas caminhadas com Jesus intimidade mais profunda com Ele e aprender a ouvir Sua voz. Lana opera no profético e adora compartilhar o coração de Deus com os outros. Em 2009, Lana escreveu seu primeiro livro intitulado Desperately Deep Developing Deep Devotion e Diálogo com Jesus. Ela é uma talentosa profeta e professora, e adora ver os outros crescerem em tudo o que Deus tem para eles. Ela tem seu próprio blog em Lana Vawser Ministries. Ela também tem uma página no Facebook. Lana completou o seu bacharelado de Ministério através Tabor College, Sydney e agora reside no Gold Coast Hinterlands, Queensland. Cópia 2016, notícias Z3. Todos os direitos reservados. Este conteúdo pode ser livremente reproduzido na íntegra ou em parte online, e-mail ou outros formatos digitais, mas apenas com atribuição completa ao autor, um link clicável para Z3news e nenhuma alteração no título ou corpo do artigo. Para obter permissão para reproduzir este conteúdo em outros formatos de mídia, entre em contato conosco. Por favor, doe agora para apoiar Z3 News. Related Posts: 25 de junho de 2016 11:01 pm Obrigado Lana por compartilhar esta mensagem muito importante. Anos atrás, eu vi um tsunami de Seu Espírito / unção vir que Ele estava chamando 8220Holiness para o Senhor8221. Eu vi muitos que, quando este tsunami estava prestes a atingi-los, fecham seus mantos escuros para esconder o seu pecado e estes foram destruídos, mas aqueles que abriram os seus mantos escuros foram engolidos até o tsunami e logo, encontrado montado na crista desta grande onda , Tendo suas capas escurecidas feitas branco puro. Junte esta visão com um sonho recente que eu tinha onde me foi mostrado 5 diferentes episódios de ouvir o discurso de 5 diferentes marcos de tempo. O primeiro foi um discurso tão puro que trouxe cura e refrescamento. O segundo não era tão poderoso quanto o primeiro, pois era um compromisso e um juízo. Cada episódio crescia progressivamente pior do que o anterior e o último, o quinto, não tinha nada de reconhecível para associá-lo ao primeiro. Na verdade, na época em que eu tinha ouvido o 4 eo 5, eu tinha esquecido o que aquele primeiro soou e tinha perdido o 8216flavor8217 daquele primeiro. Eu poderia me lembrar que era o melhor, mas já não podia me lembrar como maravilhoso e doce como o primeiro foi. Depois de acordar, lembrei-me da mensagem à primeira igreja em Apocalipse, a igreja de Éfeso, de que muitas coisas estavam acontecendo, mas ela havia perdido seu primeiro amor. O teve um amor, de sorte, mas nada como no início de sua viagem. Eles amavam o Senhor e odiavam os mentirosos e até mesmo aqueles que tentavam passar-se como apóstolos e não eram. Mas eles perderam aquele primeiro amor importante. Então eu entendi hellip Leia mais Responder - Compartilhar Jerry Sundberg - quot Obrigado Lana por compartilhar esta mensagem muito importante. Anos atrás, eu vi um tsunami de Seu Espírito / unção vir que Ele estava chamando 8220Holiness para o Senhor8221. Eu vi muitos que, quando este tsunami estava prestes a atingi-los, fecham seus mantos escuros para esconder o seu pecado e estes foram destruídos, mas aqueles que abriram os seus mantos escuros foram engolidos até o tsunami e logo, encontrado montado na crista desta grande onda , Tendo suas capas escurecidas feitas branco puro. Junte esta visão com um sonho recente que eu tinha onde me foi mostrado 5 diferentes episódios de ouvir o discurso de 5 diferentes marcos de tempo. O primeiro foi um discurso tão puro que trouxe cura e refrescamento. O segundo não era tão poderoso quanto o primeiro, pois era um compromisso e um juízo. Cada episódio crescia progressivamente pior do que o anterior e o último, o quinto, não tinha nada de reconhecível para associá-lo ao primeiro. Na verdade, na época em que eu tinha ouvido o 4 eo 5, eu tinha esquecido o que aquele primeiro soou e tinha perdido o 8216flavor8217 daquele primeiro. Eu poderia me lembrar que era o melhor, mas já não podia me lembrar como maravilhoso e doce como o primeiro foi. Depois de acordar, lembrei-me da mensagem à primeira igreja em Apocalipse, a igreja de Éfeso, de que muitas coisas estavam acontecendo, mas ela havia perdido seu primeiro amor. O teve um amor, de sorte, mas nada como no início de sua viagem. Eles amavam o Senhor e odiavam os mentirosos e até mesmo aqueles que tentavam passar-se como apóstolos e não eram. Mas eles perderam aquele primeiro amor importante. Eu entendeu então que eu sinto que é um prazer saber que eu tenho o prazer de amar cada um deles. de outros. Eu tenho várias personalidades. Alguns estavam envolvidos em rituais ocultos devido à lavagem cerebral na infância. Eu estava tão envergonhado de mostrar essas partes escuras de mim mesmo para Jesus. Um dia, fui com os missionários da minha igreja para compartilhar o Evangelho. Eu estava lutando para me sentir digno do amor de Deus. Quando eu estava no parque com eles, havia um homem lá. Ele me contou Seu testemunho de como Ele se tornou cristão. O engraçado é que ele contou a minha própria história exatamente, melhor do que eu poderia ter. Ele olhou nos meus olhos e eu vi Seu amor e prazer. Os missionários que eu estava com me disseram no caminho para casa o poderoso espírito que Ele tinha com Ele. Naquele momento, eu sabia que Jesus vive. Ele tem grande prazer em mim apesar de eu ser um pecador. Uma das coisas que ele disse foi que os santos são auto-justos, e que eu precisava para vencer a carne. Eu sei que Jesus me ama tanto, eu nunca poderia apontar um dedo para outra pessoa, porque eu era um grande pecador e sei que Jesus me ama com maior prazer do que entendo. Jesus é feliz. É Seu prazer amar-nos, e nosso prazer de amar uns aos outros sem exigir uns aos outros para mudar. Responder - Compartilhe Julie Bucker - quot É o nosso prazer de amar uns aos outros. Eu tenho várias personalidades. Alguns estavam envolvidos em rituais ocultos devido à lavagem cerebral na infância. Eu estava tão envergonhado de mostrar essas partes escuras de mim mesmo para Jesus. Um dia, fui com os missionários da minha igreja para compartilhar o Evangelho. Eu estava lutando para me sentir digno do amor de Deus. Quando eu estava no parque com eles, havia um homem lá. Ele me contou Seu testemunho de como Ele se tornou cristão. O engraçado é que ele contou a minha própria história exatamente, melhor do que eu poderia ter. Ele olhou nos meus olhos e eu vi Seu amor e prazer. Os missionários que eu estava com me disseram no caminho para casa o poderoso espírito que Ele tinha com Ele. Naquele momento, eu sabia que Jesus vive. Ele tem grande prazer em mim apesar de eu ser um pecador. Uma das coisas que ele disse foi que os santos são auto-justos, e que eu precisava para vencer a carne. Eu sei que Jesus me ama tanto, eu nunca poderia apontar um dedo para alguém, porque eu era um grande pecador e sei que Jesus me ama com maior prazer do que eu entendo. Jesus é feliz. É Seu prazer amar-nos, e nosso prazer de amar uns aos outros sem exigir uns aos outros para mudar. Quot hrefz3news / w / profetas-coração-ficar-posicionado-maré-onda-encontro-poder / comentário-48069 titleShare No Facebook 26 de junho de 2016 5:09 pm Gostaria de compartilhar alguns conselhos marital se eu puder. Parte do meu ministério leigo é convencer os casais cristãos a ter uma vida diária de oração de pelo menos dez minutos, além de ler as escrituras juntos. Eu nunca me casei até que eu estava na minha trinta. Vi tantos casamentos cristãos amigos casamentos. Nenhum disse que eles tinham uma devoção diária juntos. Orar juntos ajuda a evitar que os casais se separem. Ele mantém comunicação indo. Jesus disse: "Onde dois ou mais estão reunidos em Meus Nomes, eu estou no meio deles". Minha esposa e eu admitimos que não estaríamos juntos se não começássemos a orar juntos diariamente. Um cunhado está em seu quinto casamento. Outro em seu quarto. Gallup pesquisa fez um estudo durante anos e encontrou uma taxa de divórcio de cerca de um em mil e cem para aqueles que rezavam juntos diariamente. Campus Crusade, Bill Bright disse um em quinze cem. Outros estudos colocá-lo em menos de um por cento taxa de divórcio para aqueles que rezam juntos, pelo menos, cinco minutos por dia. Ele ganhará as coisas perfeitas, mas realmente funciona. Quatro estudos colocam a quantidade de casais que oram juntos diariamente, em apenas cerca de quatro a seis por cento da comunidade cristã. Qualquer um que doesn8217t já orar juntos todos os dias com o seu cônjuge8230 por favor considere. Se você está separado uns dos outros por causa do trabalho, etc considerar ainda orando juntos sobre o telefone celular. Deus abençoe Responder - Compartilhe OutdoorJon - quot Eu gostaria de compartilhar alguns conselhos marital se eu puder. Parte do meu ministério leigo é convencer os casais cristãos a ter uma vida diária de oração de pelo menos dez minutos, além de ler as escrituras juntos. Eu nunca me casei até que eu estava na minha trinta. Vi tantos casamentos cristãos amigos casamentos. Nenhum disse que eles tinham uma devoção diária juntos. Orar juntos ajuda a evitar que os casais se separem. Ele mantém comunicação indo. Jesus disse: "Onde dois ou mais estão reunidos em Meus Nomes, eu estou no meio deles". Minha esposa e eu admitimos que não estaríamos juntos se não começássemos a orar juntos diariamente. Um cunhado está em seu quinto casamento. Outro em seu quarto. Gallup pesquisa fez um estudo durante anos e encontrou uma taxa de divórcio de cerca de um em mil e cem para aqueles que rezavam juntos diariamente. Campus Crusade, Bill Bright disse um em quinze cem. Outros estudos colocá-lo em menos de um por cento taxa de divórcio para aqueles que rezam juntos, pelo menos, cinco minutos por dia. Ele ganhará as coisas perfeitas, mas realmente funciona. Quatro estudos colocam a quantidade de casais que oram juntos diariamente, em apenas cerca de quatro a seis por cento da comunidade cristã. Qualquer um que doesn8217t já orar juntos todos os dias com o seu cônjuge8230 por favor considere. Se você está separado uns dos outros por causa do trabalho, etc considerar ainda orando juntos sobre o telefone celular. Deus abençoe com hrefz3news / w / profetas-coração-ficar-posicionado-maré-onda-encontro-poder / comentário-48040 titleShare No Facebook 26 de junho de 2016 12:51 Tom Meu amigo 8211 É realmente refrescante ouvir que todos nós Passar por muitas das mesmas trilhas e pode compartilhar testemunhos de como Deus traz descobertas de cada vez. Nós podemos nos relacionar com seu irmão8230. Nossas esposas têm uma incrível capacidade de nos manter humildes e Deus usa nosso esposo para nos aproximar de Ele e revelar coisas que não podemos ver com nossos próprios olhos. Dói porque, como homens, nosso orgulho pode ser muito forte, mas Deus fez os dois uma carne com um propósito para que possamos ver a parte de nós que preferimos não lidar, mas deve ser abordada, se quisermos caminhar com sucesso Nossa alta vocação. We love you brother8230 Responder - Share Charles - quot Tom meu amigo 8211 É realmente refrescante ouvir que todos nós passamos por muitas das mesmas trilhas e podemos compartilhar testemunhos de como Deus traz descobertas de cada vez. Nós podemos nos relacionar com seu irmão8230. Nossas esposas têm uma incrível capacidade de nos manter humildes e Deus usa nosso esposo para nos aproximar de Ele e revelar coisas que não podemos ver com nossos próprios olhos. Dói porque, como homens, nosso orgulho pode ser muito forte, mas Deus fez os dois uma carne com um propósito para que possamos ver a parte de nós que preferimos não lidar, mas deve ser abordada, se quisermos caminhar com sucesso Nossa alta vocação. Nós amamos você brother8230 quot hrefz3news / w / profetas-heart-stay-position-tidal-wave-encontro-power / comment-48010 titleShare No Facebook Esconder respostas e 26 de junho de 2016 1:30 pm Charles - Quando este episódio começou, Primeiro, eu comecei a orar alguns tipos bastante auto-justos de orações como os gostos de 8230 Deus por favor mude sua atitude porque eu não mereço isso. À medida que os ataques continuavam a crescer, também minha auto-justiça. Durante um desses momentos, foi como se ele me tivesse acordado concordando que eu não merecia essa dor. No auge da minha atitude, você está certo, por favor, conserte-a, foi então que Ele deixou cair a verdadeira lição sobre mim, dizendo: "É assim que me sinto porque você me trata da mesma maneira". Ugh8230even agora, eu ainda sinto essa sensação de afundamento em meu estômago. A vergonha que me atingiu ea percepção de que essa experiência também foi sobre me ensinar uma dura lição. Sua estratégia Trabalhou muito bem e a viagem para o woodshed foi bem-sucedida (eo fato de que I catalãs iam pelo necessário também). Um irmão em Cristo uma vez compartilhou comigo uma lição legal8230. Imagine um triângulo e coloque você e sua esposa em extremos opostos da base e, em seguida, coloque Deus no topo. Ele então apontou que, à medida que trabalhamos individualmente em melhorar nosso relacionamento com Deus, conforme cada um de nós movendo nosso lado individual do triângulo para Ele, é então que nos aproximamos mais como marido e mulher. Uma mensagem enorme em um pequeno quadro 26 de junho de 2016 3:14 Tom 8211 Como eu li o seu post eu não poderia ajudar, mas ser animado sobre as vitórias que Deus tem para você e sua esposa His está nos preparando para todos os níveis novos e superiores com Ele e em nossos casamentos também, porque é vital que os casamentos cristãos são fortes, especialmente nos tempos à frente. Eu estive onde você está muitas vezes e mesmo depois de 21 anos de casamento eu ainda estou aprendendo muito. Minha esposa e eu somos totalmente opostos e, embora ambos estejamos salvos, vemos as coisas de maneira diferente com diferentes perspectivas, mas Deus tão lindamente e graciosamente nos mistura mais todos os dias quando nos humilhamos diante dEle. Deixe Deus amar a sua esposa através de você e Ele irá levá-lo para lugares além de sua compreensão Seu incrível Tom. Como eu li o seu post eu não poderia ajudar, mas ser animado com as vitórias que Deus tem para você e sua esposa Ele está nos preparando todos para novos e mais altos níveis com Ele e em nossos casamentos, bem como porque É vital que os casamentos cristãos são fortes especialmente nos tempos à frente. Eu estive onde você está muitas vezes e mesmo depois de 21 anos de casamento eu ainda estou aprendendo muito. Minha esposa e eu somos totalmente opostos e, embora ambos estejamos salvos, vemos as coisas de maneira diferente com diferentes perspectivas, mas Deus tão lindamente e graciosamente nos mistura mais todos os dias quando nos humilhamos diante dEle. Deixe Deus amar a sua esposa através de você e Ele irá levá-lo para lugares além de sua compreensão Seu incrível Tom. Quot hrefz3news / w / profetas-heart-stay-position-tidal-wave-encontro-poder / comment-48031 titleShare No Facebook 27 de junho de 2016 4:11 Caro James e tripulação z3, Ontem à noite em Trent vineyard Nottingham uk, I Estava sentindo um pouco para baixo, mas tinha o que pode ser discribbed como uma experiência incrível do poder dos deuses que me deixou chocado e awestruck como eu não vi isso vindo. Antes de eu ir lá eu li este post e esqueci tudo sobre ele como eu fui para a vinha. Antes do início do serviço eu falei com um membro da igreja e disse que eu precisava de um elevador assim como Jesus sendo o AA (assocação do carro) o Espírito Santo sendo o pulo leva e eu a bateria do carro vem me carregar, bem o bom senhor Fez tudo bem. Depois do louvor e adoração, João, o líder, deu uma palestra sobre todas as igrejas de vinha que foram montadas aqui no Reino Unido e estão crescendo na glória dos deuses. Trent vinhedo são para enviar uma nova igreja para Manchester e nós, onde convidados a rezar para a nova equipe vai para Manchester, bem como eles estavam orando uma canção veio em minha cabeça. O chão começou a sacudir a pedra foi enrolada longe do túmulo não poderia contê-lo, eu sabia de imediato Jesus estaria no centro desta igreja e ele vai crescer, meu espírito começou a realmente levantar-se e orou em línguas para eles , Ao fazê-lo o Senhor me deu esta imagem neste post das ondas quebrando para baixo e novos poderes foram dadas aos cristãos que o seguem. Fiquei surpreso ao dizer o mínimo, mas continuei orando no espírito. Debbie, a esposa de John8217s falou então e sentiu que os povos tiveram retratos e palavras para falar para fora à equipe nova e para compartilhar com cada um e para levantar-se se that8217s você. Eu imediatamente metido para cima hellip Leia mais Responder - Share David Mann - quot Caro James e tripulação z3, Ontem à noite em Trent vineyard Nottingham uk, eu estava sentindo um pouco para baixo, mas tinha o que pode ser discribbed como uma experiência incrível de deuses poder que me deixou Chocado e maravilhado como eu não vi isso vindo. Antes de eu ir lá eu li este post e esqueci tudo sobre ele como eu fui para a vinha. Antes do início do serviço eu falei com um membro da igreja e disse que eu precisava de um elevador assim como Jesus sendo o AA (assocação do carro) o Espírito Santo sendo o pulo leva e eu a bateria do carro vem me carregar, bem o bom senhor Fez tudo bem. Depois do louvor e adoração, João, o líder, deu uma palestra sobre todas as igrejas de vinha que foram montadas aqui no Reino Unido e estão crescendo na glória dos deuses. Trent vinhedo são para enviar uma nova igreja para Manchester e nós, onde convidados a rezar para a nova equipe vai para Manchester, bem como eles estavam orando uma canção veio em minha cabeça. O chão começou a sacudir a pedra foi enrolada longe do túmulo não poderia contê-lo, eu sabia de imediato Jesus estaria no centro desta igreja e ele vai crescer, meu espírito começou a realmente levantar-se e orou em línguas para eles , Ao fazê-lo o Senhor me deu esta imagem neste post das ondas quebrando para baixo e novos poderes foram dadas aos cristãos que o seguem. Fiquei surpreso ao dizer o mínimo, mas continuei orando no espírito. Debbie, a esposa de John8217s falou então e sentiu que os povos tiveram retratos e palavras para falar para fora à equipe nova e para compartilhar com cada um e para levantar-se se that8217s você. Eu imediatamente stud uphellip Leia mais hrefz3news / w / profetas-heart-stay-position-tidal-wave-encontro-poder / comment-48099 titleShare No Facebook Hide Replies e 27 de junho de 2016 9:15 David 8211 Obrigado por sua Coração para buscar a Deus e para sua obediência orar por mim com base em sua inspiração, tenho atravessado o que eu chamaria de uma estação seca, sabendo que o Senhor tem muito mais para mim e Seus filhos em nossas vidas agora mesmo nesta terra. Eu tenho uma expectativa do que Ele fará, mas me deixei desanimar pela escuridão ao meu redor. Mas Jesus é infinitamente fiel e misericordioso e eu sinto que um avanço ocorreu em meu próprio espírito. Eu não pararei de persegui-Lo até que cada parte de mim esteja completamente morta e tenha sido transformada no amor de Cristo. Seu amor é onde reside Seu poder. Obrigado pelo seu coração de buscar a Deus e pela sua obediência de orar por mim com base em sua inspiração, tenho atravessado o que eu chamaria de uma estação seca, sabendo que o Senhor tem muito mais para Eu e Seus filhos em nossas vidas, mesmo agora nesta terra. Eu tenho uma expectativa do que Ele fará, mas me deixei desanimar pela escuridão ao meu redor. Mas Jesus é infinitamente fiel e misericordioso e eu sinto que um avanço ocorreu em meu próprio espírito. Eu não pararei de persegui-Lo até que cada parte de mim esteja completamente morta e tenha sido transformada no amor de Cristo. Seu amor é onde reside Seu poder. Quot hrefz3news / w / profetas-coração-ficar-posicionado-maré-onda-encontro-poder / comment-48362 titleShare No Facebook Esconder respostas e 26 de junho de 2016 6:34 pm Eu perguntei ao Senhor se este post de Lana era um verdadeiro Palavra por causa do tempo que ela deu, Amanhã eu tenho algo para o meu povo, que você pergunta é o meu povo. Por que eles são os únicos? Eu sei e eles me conhecem, porque eles pediram e receberam meu espírito. Eles têm pressionado para procurar o meu rosto, eles são os que eu chamei pelo nome. Nas próximas duas semanas tenho uma confirmação e uma bênção para aqueles em quem moro e tenho permissão para moldar. Eles não mais se preocuparão com minha volta para fortalecê-los, pois eles serão. Eu tive alguns no fogo da diversidade até que eles pensam que foram falhando o teste, porque ele veio a eles de tantos ângulos e tempos que eles temiam que eles simplesmente couldn8217t obter a minha mensagem. Mas ouçam que tudo isso tem sido falado em minha palavra. Não diga Pai, eu não quero dar tempo a isso. Para isso, respondo que esta é a minha mensagem oportuna. Para aqueles que disseram tirar isso de mim eu não consigo mais, mas então disse Pai sua vontade será feito, eu digo descansar meu filho. Pela responsabilidade de filho navio vem com o meu selo e autoridade. Eu estava céptico sobre este post ter um prazo para isso, mas quando eu pergunto ao Pai se era verdade ele me disse isso. 26 de junho de 2016 11:06 pm Obrigado Bob F. Seu post de nossa mensagem de Father8217s é resposta completa à minha oração. Que o Senhor, nosso Deus, nos abençoe a todos, especialmente por sua obediência ao compartilhar Sua resposta para você, embora possa ter sido difícil. June 25, 2016 11:12 pm Wow O poder de Deus está em toda esta palavra. Os sistemas mundiais estão desmoronando, mas nós somos leões deixados fora de nossas gaiolas Sem medo Aleluia 26 de junho de 2016 12:31 Exatamente. Esta é uma palavra maciça. 27 de junho de 2016 12h14 Sou da Malásia. Meu pastor, uma semana antes da celebração do Pentecostes judaico, ele anuncia publicamente na congregação que o Senhor lhe dirá que a Glória de Deus virá nestes dois meses (junho-julho), nos pedindo para nos prepararmos para receber e não o notarmos. Shalom 27 de junho de 2016 7:35 junho 26, 2016 5:41 am Obrigado por compartilhar este Lana. Ele confirma o que eu estava prestes a compartilhar com a família z3. Os próximos 20-40 dias a partir de 13 de junho são muito importantes (03 de julho-23 de julho). Vou compartilhá-lo aqui e no post Pastor Faircloth8217s. Shalom Junte-se a nossa lista de endereçamento: Donate to Z3 News: Estudos do fim do tempo: Construtores de fé: Comentários recentes: James U em Novos resultados do terremoto Prove Ancient Prophecies Cumprido 40 dias dados para se arrepender. Tremor de terra. Youtube / watchvGXJfmAAnzg Denise em Novos Resultados do Terremoto Prove Profecias Antigas Cumpridas É hora de as pessoas de Deus entenderem que a hora está atrasada e que é hora de se prepararem para Seu retorno. É hora de que os pastores deixem de ensinar estas escrituras por medo de alarmar as pessoas. Kenper Harbeson sobre os Novos Resultados do Terremoto Prove Profecias Antigas Cumpridas Amen James, Amen Muito informativo e bíblico Eu sabia quando li pela primeira vez um post do z3 que era Algo especial de nosso Senhor Obrigado por sua diligência e sacrifícios para que Jesus possa wohellip Matt Smith sobre Os Anjos de Provisão estão chegando Sim Robert. Os cristãos não querem apoiar outros cristãos. Eu vejo empresários ir em um show chamado Shark Tank, e fazer os mesmos seis pessoas não-cristãs (Mark Cuban, Barbara Corkren, Damon Johhellip Sephora em Sonhos Proféticos Cumpridos em Equities Market Você é mais do que bem-vinda, David. O L-rd me dirigiu para incentivá-lo e qualquer outra pessoa que lê estas palavras com um coração puro David na visão profética mostra três pernas para os preços de prata Marco, Obrigado irmão, depois de perder dinheiro dia após dia, a única coisa sometimes that get me by is my dumb humor and the Lord. God bless you on your trading, I was watching news tonight n it might behellip Denise on The Angels Of Provision Are Coming As Christians, we need to be very careful with prosperity gospel. While I agree with you that there is no shame in being a wealthy Christian, I disagree that it should be encouraged. There are many lehellip David on Prophetic Dreams Fulfilled in Equities Market BIG ED, Thanks brother, I always like your insight n knowledge. GOD bless you in all your trading. Obrigado. David on Prophetic Dreams Fulfilled in Equities Market SEPHORA, Thank you for the reply n encouragement, it Means so much to me that you took the time To reply. May our Lord Christ Jesus bless you Abundantly this holiday season n your family. Obrigado. Robert E on The Angels Of Provision Are Coming Well said Matt. Its all about building His kingdom, not ours. Lets be willing to live off of 10 and give 90 to build His kingdom if He so blesses us that we can do that. Denise on The Angels Of Provision Are Coming The thief is stealing and the devourer is greedily ravaging our accounts with bank fees. This was a red flag for me. sounds more like political propaganda than prophecy. Banks are not a charity, hellip lfm on Prophetic Vision Shows Three Legs Up for Silver Prices Bonds are done, top is in nowhere to go but down. This will precipitate continued sell off and injection of those funds into the stock markets. Dollar will rise and GOLD drops its going below 1000.00hellip littledove on Prophetic Dream Warns of 9.5 Earthquake in United States Thank you for answering Jeanne - I have had moments where I Know that He is with me and problems seem to bounce off me - and my mind is so consumed with - Like gratitude or amazement - I think that may behellip Vilma on Prophetic Dream Warns of 9.5 Earthquake in United States This is confirmation for me. Ive had a series of 3 dreams of a huge earthquake within the last 7 years. I know God told me to prepare my heart for whats ahead. Lord I pray for mercy on your people ehellip Nancy Trimble on Prophetic Dream Warns of 9.5 Earthquake in United States Wow Allison, we literally did lose our home in 2008 and everything else. I can see now why God allowed it, for several reasons. We are in a place now on the side of a mountain in the Ozarks, that is ahellip sgd on Prophetic Dream Warns of 9.5 Earthquake in United States So many warnings I had a dream last night and a woman was shaken, and said something has changed, nothing feels the same. What struck me was how visibly shaken she was. I know we are not supposed tohellip Nancy Trimble on 8220I Am About to Show My People I Am The God of Abundance8221 Guild, its a 88 Silverado. Just had a rebuilt engine put in it this summer. He thought it was the fuel pump, and its located under the gas tank. My brother in law is a mechanic and is coming down tohellip Matt Smith on The Angels Of Provision Are Coming This is the type of Prosperity Message needing to be taught. What I like about this was one line in particular It first put me in the position to examine myself and make sure that I was living a godlyhellip Jeanne on Prophetic Dream Warns of 9.5 Earthquake in United States One of my favorite verses (NASB version) says: You hide them in the Secret place of Your Presence from the conspiracies of man You keep them secretly in a shelter from the strife of tongues. Ps 31:hellip Antwon on Prophetic Dream Warns of 9.5 Earthquake in United States I believe that this will happen soon. Its been heavy on my heart that this will happen soon. Every country in the worlds almost are having major quakes. America hasnt had one yet. Plus when this hahellip Thomas on The Angels Of Provision Are Coming I assume the money does not come out of thin air. Is the money taken from someone that stole it, is not saved, or someone that is not a good steward I wonder where it comes from or how that works. Kihellip littledove on Prophetic Dream Warns of 9.5 Earthquake in United States I appreciate you speaking up and all the contributors as well - timing is hard and i would rather be 6 months too early than 1 day too late - the secret place is sort-of a mystery - could anyone elaborathellip Jen B. on Prophetic Dream Warns of 9.5 Earthquake in United States I am with you Jameel. I am in Peoria Il. We will for sure be effected. I was woke up over the summer and heard the words Brace Yourself. Then I keep getting woke up by the doorbell but yet no one ishellip Robert E on The Angels Of Provision Are Coming This morning I was doing some spreadsheet planning with my bank accounts and entered an equation to represent a transfer for money from saving to checking. I accidentally put in the multiplication symhellip Sephora on Prophetic Dreams Fulfilled in Equities Market David, I love your honesty. For some reason, I think this unrelenting rally was designed to have that exact effect. I feel the same way, as you. But, Ive never forgotten the sheer sincerity of brothehellip Adam S. on 8220I Am About to Show My People I Am The God of Abundance8221 Very timely word Thank you for sharing. Ive had dream warnings in the past, myself, concerning rock and metal music (which I used to avidly listen to). No surprise that Satan, the prince of the powehellip Greg L. on Prophetic Dream Warns of 9.5 Earthquake in United States I shudder to share this dream because it has a date in it, and I don t know if it is related to this subject or not because I havent been given a clear understanding of the dream yet. I didnt writehellip Jesse Terrelle on Prophetic Dream Warns of 9.5 Earthquake in United States WOW. very, very sobering. Adam S. on 8220I Am About to Show My People I Am The God of Abundance8221 I really do hope there are not people out there using Adam and Eves innocence -- pre-fall -- as a justification for dressing provocatively, or worse. (Nowadays though, it sadly wouldnt surprise me). Francine on I Am the No-Name Brand Made for Our Destruction Let me explain why it is so shocking to me. All the UN members that did not voted for the final peace settlement ( two state solution) are only 6Israel. Included in the 6 countries are 4 small islhellip Adam S. on 8220I Am About to Show My People I Am The God of Abundance8221 Thank you, sister. Matt Smith on Distractions Preventing Church from Being Ready for the Lord8217s Return Bob, I did not catch that, because when reading it, I understood and thought she was referencing St. John 14:6 KJVS Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the TRUTH, and the life: no man cometh unto the Fhellip Ed h on Prophetic Dreams Fulfilled in Equities Market Z3, Man o Man what a rally. Actually quite impressive. This must be Obamas last-ditch effort at an economic recovery. LOL Or the other option is people are so happy Trump won and Obama is finally goinhellip Alison Pound on Prophetic Dream Warns of 9.5 Earthquake in United States Michael Snyder is talking about Earthquakes too endoftheamericandream I am telling American Christians, the big one is coming to where you are Have you asked the Lord about what you are tohellip Matt Smith on Distractions Preventing Church from Being Ready for the Lord8217s Return I agree Peggy. When you discover something in the scriptures you have never noticed, or had knowledge of, oh is it a marvelous feeling. darrell on Prophetic Dreams Fulfilled in Equities Market it seems as if tvix uvxy faz are not reacting to a large move down wards when the market is exploding to the up side. why Jameel on Prophetic Dream Warns of 9.5 Earthquake in United States Well, I guess Yahweh is going to let me know what to do when this happens. I cant help but laugh because I live near Scott AFB in IL and we are twenty minutes from STL. We just bought our home this yhellip Sephora on Prophetic Dreams Fulfilled in Equities Market Speaking of it sounds crazy but Im almost ready to go short again. Im praying about the same thing (smile). I came across an interesting article, recently (below link) and it made me think abouthellip Mary on Prophetic Dream Warns of 9.5 Earthquake in United States Wow I am with you The Lord has me thinking more about where I am going next than where I am now. Its like He is saying its time. I always wanted to live in the country and have about 5 acres, shellip ugisreal on Prophetic Dream Warns of 9.5 Earthquake in United States Copy of John Kilpatricks vision. Francine on I Am the No-Name Brand Made for Our Destruction Wow Peggy, this article shows that really, the whole earth is aligning against Israel, just like the bible said it would happen in the last days. It just speaks strongly to me. thank you for this posthellip Michael Perritte on Prophetic Dream Warns of 9.5 Earthquake in United States Only Visiting This Planet. Larry Norman Alison Pound on Prophetic Dream Warns of 9.5 Earthquake in United States Hi Elizabeth, I can confirm your dream. The Lord gave me the warning that He is about to shake His loved ones out of their comfortable homes. On the same day I was writing this up to send, there werehellip Fat B on Prophetic Dream Warns of 9.5 Earthquake in United States Isnt that pretty close to the Ozarks Maybe after the earthquake that is where it will be a safe zone Kenneth Heck on Prophetic Dream Warns of 9.5 Earthquake in United States This dream is in agreement with those of many others who have seen this great earthquake widen the Mississippi River into a seaway, and change the land so that the Great Lakes drain into the seaway. Ihellip Chloe on I Am the No-Name Brand Made for Our Destruction Not sure where this should be put under but please take a look at this breaking news: Obama just ordered review on the involvement of Russia in US election. theguardian/us-news/20hellip Skylar on 8220I Am About to Show My People I Am The God of Abundance8221 The other way you can clog up a fuel filter is by running really low on gas. You wind up sucking sediment (sometimes found at the bottom of your fuel tank. especially in older vehicles) into the fuelhellip Bob Adolph on I Was Not Ready for The Sudden Event Greg Hunter reports Turkeys invasion of Syria usawatchdog/weekly-news-wrap-up-12-2-16-greg-hunter/more-18197 Is this the King of the North repulsing the King of the South, Dan.11:40 Ed h on Prophetic Vision Shows Three Legs Up for Silver Prices Frank, Thanks for those words. It means a lot to me. I really love this investing stuff. Other than wrenching on classic cars this is my new passion. Im learning from my mistakes as an investor and rehellip john jo on Prophetic Vision Shows Three Legs Up for Silver Prices God is gracious. maybe when the prophet ask earnestly. God will give more accurate timing. so it will benefit those who believe. may God reveal it Donate to Z3 News: Faith Builders: Recent Comments: James U on New Earthquake Findings Prove Ancient Prophecies Fulfilled 40 days given to repent. Earthquake. youtube/watchvGXJfmAAnzg Denise on New Earthquake Findings Prove Ancient Prophecies Fulfilled It is time for Gods people to understand the hour is late and it is time to prepare for His return. It is time for pastors to stop avoiding teaching these scriptures for fear of alarming the people. hellip Ken Harbeson on New Earthquake Findings Prove Ancient Prophecies Fulfilled Amen James, Amen Very informative and scriptural I knew when I first read a post from z3 that it was something special from our Lord Thank you for your diligence and sacrifices so that Jesus may wohellip Matt Smith on The Angels Of Provision Are Coming Yes Robert. Christians do not want to support other Christians. I watch entrepreneurs go on a show called Shark Tank, and make the same six non-Christian people (Mark Cuban, Barbara Corkren, Damon Johhellip Sephora on Prophetic Dreams Fulfilled in Equities Market Youre more than welcome, David. I truly believe our perseverance will be rewarded. The L-rd directed me to encourage you and anyone else who reads these words with a pure heart. David on Prophetic Vision Shows Three Legs Up for Silver Prices Marco, Thanks brother, after losing money day after day, the only thing sometimes that get me by is my dumb humor and the Lord. God bless you on your trading, I was watching news tonight n it might behellip Denise on The Angels Of Provision Are Coming As Christians, we need to be very careful with prosperity gospel. While I agree with you that there is no shame in being a wealthy Christian, I disagree that it should be encouraged. There are many lehellip David on Prophetic Dreams Fulfilled in Equities Market BIG ED, Thanks brother, I always like your insight n knowledge. GOD bless you in all your trading. Obrigado. David on Prophetic Dreams Fulfilled in Equities Market SEPHORA, Thank you for the reply n encouragement, it Means so much to me that you took the time To reply. May our Lord Christ Jesus bless you Abundantly this holiday season n your family. Obrigado. Robert E on The Angels Of Provision Are Coming Well said Matt. Its all about building His kingdom, not ours. Lets be willing to live off of 10 and give 90 to build His kingdom if He so blesses us that we can do that. Denise on The Angels Of Provision Are Coming The thief is stealing and the devourer is greedily ravaging our accounts with bank fees. This was a red flag for me. sounds more like political propaganda than prophecy. Banks are not a charity, hellip lfm on Prophetic Vision Shows Three Legs Up for Silver Prices Bonds are done, top is in nowhere to go but down. This will precipitate continued sell off and injection of those funds into the stock markets. Dollar will rise and GOLD drops its going below 1000.00hellip littledove on Prophetic Dream Warns of 9.5 Earthquake in United States Thank you for answering Jeanne - I have had moments where I Know that He is with me and problems seem to bounce off me - and my mind is so consumed with - Like gratitude or amazement - I think that may behellip Vilma on Prophetic Dream Warns of 9.5 Earthquake in United States This is confirmation for me. Ive had a series of 3 dreams of a huge earthquake within the last 7 years. I know God told me to prepare my heart for whats ahead. Lord I pray for mercy on your people ehellip Nancy Trimble on Prophetic Dream Warns of 9.5 Earthquake in United States Wow Allison, we literally did lose our home in 2008 and everything else. I can see now why God allowed it, for several reasons. We are in a place now on the side of a mountain in the Ozarks, that is ahellip sgd on Prophetic Dream Warns of 9.5 Earthquake in United States So many warnings I had a dream last night and a woman was shaken, and said something has changed, nothing feels the same. What struck me was how visibly shaken she was. I know we are not supposed tohellip Nancy Trimble on 8220I Am About to Show My People I Am The God of Abundance8221 Guild, its a 88 Silverado. Just had a rebuilt engine put in it this summer. He thought it was the fuel pump, and its located under the gas tank. My brother in law is a mechanic and is coming down tohellip Matt Smith on The Angels Of Provision Are Coming This is the type of Prosperity Message needing to be taught. What I like about this was one line in particular It first put me in the position to examine myself and make sure that I was living a godlyhellip Jeanne on Prophetic Dream Warns of 9.5 Earthquake in United States One of my favorite verses (NASB version) says: You hide them in the Secret place of Your Presence from the conspiracies of man You keep them secretly in a shelter from the strife of tongues. Ps 31:hellip Antwon on Prophetic Dream Warns of 9.5 Earthquake in United States I believe that this will happen soon. Its been heavy on my heart that this will happen soon. Every country in the worlds almost are having major quakes. America hasnt had one yet. Plus when this hahellip Thomas on The Angels Of Provision Are Coming I assume the money does not come out of thin air. Is the money taken from someone that stole it, is not saved, or someone that is not a good steward I wonder where it comes from or how that works. Kihellip littledove on Prophetic Dream Warns of 9.5 Earthquake in United States I appreciate you speaking up and all the contributors as well - timing is hard and i would rather be 6 months too early than 1 day too late - the secret place is sort-of a mystery - could anyone elaborathellip Jen B. on Prophetic Dream Warns of 9.5 Earthquake in United States I am with you Jameel. I am in Peoria Il. We will for sure be effected. I was woke up over the summer and heard the words Brace Yourself. Then I keep getting woke up by the doorbell but yet no one ishellip Robert E on The Angels Of Provision Are Coming This morning I was doing some spreadsheet planning with my bank accounts and entered an equation to represent a transfer for money from saving to checking. I accidentally put in the multiplication symhellip Sephora on Prophetic Dreams Fulfilled in Equities Market David, I love your honesty. For some reason, I think this unrelenting rally was designed to have that exact effect. I feel the same way, as you. But, Ive never forgotten the sheer sincerity of brothehellip Adam S. on 8220I Am About to Show My People I Am The God of Abundance8221 Very timely word Thank you for sharing. Ive had dream warnings in the past, myself, concerning rock and metal music (which I used to avidly listen to). No surprise that Satan, the prince of the powehellip Greg L. on Prophetic Dream Warns of 9.5 Earthquake in United States I shudder to share this dream because it has a date in it, and I don t know if it is related to this subject or not because I havent been given a clear understanding of the dream yet. I didnt writehellip Jesse Terrelle on Prophetic Dream Warns of 9.5 Earthquake in United States WOW. very, very sobering. Adam S. on 8220I Am About to Show My People I Am The God of Abundance8221 I really do hope there are not people out there using Adam and Eves innocence -- pre-fall -- as a justification for dressing provocatively, or worse. (Nowadays though, it sadly wouldnt surprise me). Francine on I Am the No-Name Brand Made for Our Destruction Let me explain why it is so shocking to me. All the UN members that did not voted for the final peace settlement ( two state solution) are only 6Israel. Included in the 6 countries are 4 small islhellip Adam S. on 8220I Am About to Show My People I Am The God of Abundance8221 Thank you, sister. Matt Smith on Distractions Preventing Church from Being Ready for the Lord8217s Return Bob, I did not catch that, because when reading it, I understood and thought she was referencing St. John 14:6 KJVS Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the TRUTH, and the life: no man cometh unto the Fhellip Ed h on Prophetic Dreams Fulfilled in Equities Market Z3, Man o Man what a rally. Actually quite impressive. This must be Obamas last-ditch effort at an economic recovery. LOL Or the other option is people are so happy Trump won and Obama is finally goinhellip Alison Pound on Prophetic Dream Warns of 9.5 Earthquake in United States Michael Snyder is talking about Earthquakes too endoftheamericandream I am telling American Christians, the big one is coming to where you are Have you asked the Lord about what you are tohellip Matt Smith on Distractions Preventing Church from Being Ready for the Lord8217s Return I agree Peggy. When you discover something in the scriptures you have never noticed, or had knowledge of, oh is it a marvelous feeling. darrell on Prophetic Dreams Fulfilled in Equities Market it seems as if tvix uvxy faz are not reacting to a large move down wards when the market is exploding to the up side. why Jameel on Prophetic Dream Warns of 9.5 Earthquake in United States Well, I guess Yahweh is going to let me know what to do when this happens. I cant help but laugh because I live near Scott AFB in IL and we are twenty minutes from STL. We just bought our home this yhellip Sephora on Prophetic Dreams Fulfilled in Equities Market Speaking of it sounds crazy but Im almost ready to go short again. Im praying about the same thing (smile). I came across an interesting article, recently (below link) and it made me think abouthellip Mary on Prophetic Dream Warns of 9.5 Earthquake in United States Wow I am with you The Lord has me thinking more about where I am going next than where I am now. Its like He is saying its time. I always wanted to live in the country and have about 5 acres, shellip ugisreal on Prophetic Dream Warns of 9.5 Earthquake in United States Copy of John Kilpatricks vision. Francine on I Am the No-Name Brand Made for Our Destruction Wow Peggy, this article shows that really, the whole earth is aligning against Israel, just like the bible said it would happen in the last days. It just speaks strongly to me. thank you for this posthellip Michael Perritte on Prophetic Dream Warns of 9.5 Earthquake in United States Only Visiting This Planet. Larry Norman Alison Pound on Prophetic Dream Warns of 9.5 Earthquake in United States Hi Elizabeth, I can confirm your dream. The Lord gave me the warning that He is about to shake His loved ones out of their comfortable homes. On the same day I was writing this up to send, there werehellip Fat B on Prophetic Dream Warns of 9.5 Earthquake in United States Isnt that pretty close to the Ozarks Maybe after the earthquake that is where it will be a safe zone Kenneth Heck on Prophetic Dream Warns of 9.5 Earthquake in United States This dream is in agreement with those of many others who have seen this great earthquake widen the Mississippi River into a seaway, and change the land so that the Great Lakes drain into the seaway. Ihellip Chloe on I Am the No-Name Brand Made for Our Destruction Not sure where this should be put under but please take a look at this breaking news: Obama just ordered review on the involvement of Russia in US election. theguardian/us-news/20hellip Skylar on 8220I Am About to Show My People I Am The God of Abundance8221 The other way you can clog up a fuel filter is by running really low on gas. You wind up sucking sediment (sometimes found at the bottom of your fuel tank. especially in older vehicles) into the fuelhellip Bob Adolph on I Was Not Ready for The Sudden Event Greg Hunter reports Turkeys invasion of Syria usawatchdog/weekly-news-wrap-up-12-2-16-greg-hunter/more-18197 Is this the King of the North repulsing the King of the South, Dan.11:40 Ed h on Prophetic Vision Shows Three Legs Up for Silver Prices Frank, Thanks for those words. It means a lot to me. I really love this investing stuff. Other than wrenching on classic cars this is my new passion. Im learning from my mistakes as an investor and rehellip john jo on Prophetic Vision Shows Three Legs Up for Silver Prices God is gracious. maybe when the prophet ask earnestly. God will give more accurate timing. so it will benefit those who believe. may God reveal it Donate to Z3 News:Prophetic Dream: Wave upon Wave Here is another confirmation of Linda Clays post, Prophetic Dream: Supernatural Protection from Sudden Disaster. November 20, 2014, I recorded my first dream of the previous evening: I was in the ocean, either standing on the ocean floor in water to my shoulders, or vertically floating, toes skimming the sand beneath. The sea was quite calm. Suddenly the ocean began to change. Wave upon wave came from behind me with no warning, much faster than is natural, and each wave lifted me higher. For example, a three-foot swell had time to drop back only a foot on the far side before the next one hit, for a net gain of 2 feet. At first they were all swells, but the swells soon gave way to waves that crested. Each wave was bigger, taller, stronger than the one before. It didnt take long before I was floating, still vertical, in 50 feet of water, looking up at a way-beyond-massive wave curling over my head that must have been at least 70 to 100 feet or more tall. (No measurement was given me in my dream, but as I wrote it down, the thought came that it was no more than 120 feet.) It too came crashing down on top of my head, with enough force that by all rights I should have been pile-driven up to my neck into the ocean floor. But even though this gargantuan wall of water crashed on top of me with a deafening roar, I was supernaturally lifted up within it to then ride the top of the wave, just as before the very first swell, and I was not hurt in the slightest. My hair didnt even get wet. There were other people too, but they were not a focal point in my dream. I saw very few in the ocean, both before and during the swells and smaller waves, maybe up to 10 feet, before they were hidden from my view by the larger ones. They were not evil, not spirits. I was not distressed about them. In fact, I was not distressed at any time in the ocean I was filled with supernatural peace. Weve got to get to shore, I called out to the people after the unusual tsunami had passed. Then the scene changed, and I was indoors. I wondered if I had been deposited there by the wave, and I wondered if the house was underwater. Downstairs in a two-story home, I saw that something was happening with invisible force. There were other people with me there, too, and again they were not evil and not a focal point. Feeling urgency in my spirit, I saw dry sand burying the staircase that I stood near, as if sand was being brought in and deposited by invisible waves. I could not tell where the sand came from it just kept getting higher and higher. Although I didnt see any of the people in the house, I called out to them, Weve got to go up I knew that some of them had been with me in the ocean, and others were already in the house before we got there. They had been relaxing and enjoying themselves on the TV sofa or in other pursuits, oblivious to the tidal wave danger outside. The downstairs level grew increasingly dark as the sand piled up, but the upstairs level was light. As I climbed up, over the shifting, sloping sand, pulling myself on the oak handrail as if pulling my legs out of quicksand, I woke up. That November morning, I thought the dream meant that the Holy Spirit would lift me higher and higher in His power and new giftings. I didnt think about it terribly much other than in awe and gratitude, and did not initially ask God for an interpretation. (That was dumb) God has been prompting me to go through my journal and post things as He leads me. (Some will appear here and some at flyhinter. blogspot.) When I read Lindas post in bed last night, the Spirit reminded me of this dream, and impressed on me to post it. It hadnt crossed my mind much in six months, but last night I felt that He was telling me the ocean part of my dream is a declaration of Gods promise to keep His holy people safe supernaturally, even in impossible situations. ( la Psalm 91, and in confirmation of Lindas dream.) The house represents an hourglass, whose bottom half is rapidly filling with dry sand. Time is almost out The base level of the house, where most of the people were, represents the base level of Gods people. It is that part of us that cares more about comfort and fun than things of the Spirit or being righteous. The upper level of the house brightly illuminated represents the spirit level of Gods righteous people, being called by the Holy Spirit. Even though we have Gods protection, we also still have to act for ourselves and others in some situations, like when I yelled out to them, Weve got to go up This will take wisdom and discernment as well as brawn and bravery if we are to be the over-comers and conquerors (Revelation 2 and 3). Remember, He has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind. The cloying aspects of the sand, like quicksand, are evils attempts to hold on to us and keep us trapped until we can be killed. The wooden handrail provided the only way to reach the light, symbolizing the secure cross of Christ, which was extended to each of us, as God Himself stretched to bridge the gap between He and we. We cannot free ourselves of the evil unless we firmly grasp ahold of it with both hands. No turning back. Those who cant bother to stir themselves to make the difficult journey upward, preferring instead to enjoy their fleshly pleasures, will be left behind and consumed by the growing, spreading evil. Keep moving toward the Light Author: Debra Walker Debra Walker enjoyed dreams and visions from God beginning at some pre-school age without knowing it. (She was told that she 8220daydreamed.8221) After turning her back on Him as a prodigal teenager, she finally paid attention as He persistently wooed her back to Himself. She heard the true gospel and gave her life to Christ again in 1991. Her fire for God quickly faded, and it wasn8217t until a few short years ago, when she realized how many times He had supernaturally saved her life, that she began to get serious about having a relationship with Him. Praise and thank God for His mercy She is actively involved in intercessory prayer, writing for the Lord, and small prayer amp Bible study groups. The photo dates from 1999, but is her favorite. copy 2015, Z3 News. Todos os direitos reservados. This content may be freely reproduced in full or in part online, email, or other digital formats but only with full attribution to the author, a clickable link to Z3news, and no changes to the title or body of the article. For permission to reproduce this content in other media formats please contact us. Please donate now to support Z3 News. Related Posts: September 13, 2015 1:45 pm This morning I was reminded of scripture that confirms my Wave upon Wave dream. 2 Corinthians 3:18, here in six translations, with my revelation after the last one: (ASV) 8220But we all, with unveiled face beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are transformed into the same image from glory to glory even as from the Lord the Spirit.8221 8230. (ISV) 8220As all of us reflect the glory of the Lord with unveiled faces, we are becoming more like Him with ever-increasing glory by the Lord8217s Spirit.8221 8230. (KJV) 8220But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.8221 8230. (NASB) 8220But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as from the Lord, the Spirit.8221 8230. (NIV) 8220And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate or reflect the Lord8217s glory, are being transformed into His image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.8221 8230. (NLT) 8220So all of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord. And the Lord 8211 Who is the Spirit 8211 makes us more and more like Him as we are changed into His glorious image.8221 8230. 8230. The 8220we8221 or 8220us8221 that this verse is addressing are only the righteous saints, walking with Christ. The glory of God is revealed in His presence and His power. You cannot teach a baby to skip until he learns to crawl and then walk. You cannot teach a believer the 8220meat8221 of God8217s word (inner revelations beyond the hellip Read more Reply - Share Debra Walker - quot This morning I was reminded of scripture that confirms my Wave upon Wave dream. 2 Corinthians 3:18, here in six translations, with my revelation after the last one: (ASV) 8220But we all, with unveiled face beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are transformed into the same image from glory to glory even as from the Lord the Spirit.8221 8230. (ISV) 8220As all of us reflect the glory of the Lord with unveiled faces, we are becoming more like Him with ever-increasing glory by the Lord8217s Spirit.8221 8230. (KJV) 8220But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.8221 8230. (NASB) 8220But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as from the Lord, the Spirit.8221 8230. (NIV) 8220And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate or reflect the Lord8217s glory, are being transformed into His image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.8221 8230. (NLT) 8220So all of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord. And the Lord 8211 Who is the Spirit 8211 makes us more and more like Him as we are changed into His glorious image.8221 8230. 8230. The 8220we8221 or 8220us8221 that this verse is addressing are only the righteous saints, walking with Christ. The glory of God is revealed in His presence and His power. You cannot teach a baby to skip until he learns to crawl and then walk. You cannot teach a believer the 8220meat8221 of God8217s word (inner revelations beyond thehellip Read more quot hrefz3news/w/prophetic-dream-wave-wave/comment-6747 titleShare On Facebook Hide Replies and July 27, 2015 11:23 pm WOW, Ryan. Amazing how the Holy Spirit continues to confirm things. As we bring what we are shown together, we get a 8220bigger picture8221. Your post reminded me of a dream (or vision) I had last year, that goes along with many others who had dreams/visions about Russia attacking the United States: 12-18-14 8211 THE BEAR ROARED AND LASHED OUT IN ANGER I was either almost awake or alseep, I don8217t know. Suddenly I had a vision (dream) flash of a Huge Bear Roaring and lashing out with it8217s claws in anger. I had a shiver go throughout my whole body and was wide awake at that time. Interpretation: Russia WILL be lashing out. an attack IS imminent. and it WILL happen. Reply - Share Linda Clay - quot WOW, Ryan. Amazing how the Holy Spirit continues to confirm things. As we bring what we are shown together, we get a 8220bigger picture8221. Your post reminded me of a dream (or vision) I had last year, that goes along with many others who had dreams/visions about Russia attacking the United States: 12-18-14 8211 THE BEAR ROARED AND LASHED OUT IN ANGER I was either almost awake or alseep, I don8217t know. Suddenly I had a vision (dream) flash of a Huge Bear Roaring and lashing out with it8217s claws in anger. I had a shiver go throughout my whole body and was wide awake at that time. Interpretation: Russia WILL be lashing out. an attack IS imminent. and it WILL happen. quot hrefz3news/w/prophetic-dream-wave-wave/comment-3881 titleShare On Facebook Hide Replies and Faith Builders: Recent Comments: Sephora on Prophetic Dreams Fulfilled in Equities Market The market riggers are following a pattern: . at the beginning of this year, when bank stocks were getting clobbered, insiders were heavy buyers, with impeccable timing: Jamie Dimon bought 26 millihellip Carmackian on Obama Provides FEMA Camps for the 8220Safety8221 of Christians I found it for a good price. Thx you Peggy. Phanuel on All Eyes Are on One, But it is The Wrong One Hi TomP The Lord knew exactly how many votes were needed for the win. They really rigged this election. There are reports that NV, NH, and VA were all stolen (Bev Harris-Blackbox voting). I also heardhellip Denise on The Angels Of Provision Are Coming Please do not use Gods name to detract for your lack of accountability. False kindness is worse than a heated debate. Edana Estenes on New Earthquake Data Shows Ancient Prophecies Fulfilled Woah, I watched the rider on the white horse. Really good. I see there are two I have to go back and watch the second one. Ken Harbeson on Here Comes the Rider on the White Horse Amen. I am experiencing this exact thing. My own family is scorning me and questioning his written word. I tell you all from my own experience that it is not easy as our flesh is vulnerable but his lohellip Edana Estenes on New Earthquake Data Shows Ancient Prophecies Fulfilled I agree with you James about TB / 666 amp 2028. I remember listening to one of his You Tube videos a while back and he said in the last set of 7 years which runs from 2021 to 2028 he said that he sahellip Kimberly Snyder on The Angels Of Provision Are Coming God bless you Denise and may the God of all wisdom, understanding and knowledge shine HIS divine revelation upon you. Blessings, Kim Kimberly Snyder on The Angels Of Provision Are Coming Amen Martin Kimberly Snyder on The Angels Of Provision Are Coming Amen Michael Well said Peggy A. on The Angels Of Provision Are Coming Will I Get to Meet You at The Marriage Supper of the Lamb (10/24/2015). believeacts2blog. wordpress/2015/10/24/10-24-15-will-i-get-to-meet-you-at-the-marriage-supper-of-the-lamb/ Carmackian on Obama Provides FEMA Camps for the 8220Safety8221 of Christians My goodness. That is a very specific and detailed prophecy. Quite sobering. I try and be ready every day but when i here a word like that. makes me want to go deeper in my faith and repentance. hellip Richard on Prophetic Dreams Fulfilled in Equities Market So are you looking to play metals down or back up Richard on Prophetic Dreams Fulfilled in Equities Market I absolutely believe it will be over 20,000, but Im not sure this will happen with this move up. Im thinking a drop happens first, and then propels us over 20k. But well see it soon. Antwon on Here Comes the Rider on the White Horse Im not here to offend anyone. But seening all these people say what they saw is weird to me. My sense of discernment is at another level. I hate to say this but many are saying things for attention. hellip Peggy A. on Here Comes the Rider on the White Horse Perhaps some people have never heard of this prophecy: The 1965 Prophecy about The United States, Given to the Late Stanley Frodsham. (published by believeacts2 on 10/26/2015). believeacts2bhellip Christian Block on Prophetic Dream Warns of 9.5 Earthquake in United States That would be close to the time of the third super moon. The 7.8 mag earthquake hit New Zealand around the time of the second super moon. The recent earthquake in the Solomon Islands (7.7) has some clhellip Peggy A. on Obama Provides FEMA Camps for the 8220Safety8221 of Christians Carmackian, Just for general reference, please check the last two (short) videos by Reverend Mary. They both have 40 Days in the Titles. very relevant. Carmackian on Obama Provides FEMA Camps for the 8220Safety8221 of Christians Wow. I didnt know that. Thx for sharing that Peggy:). That was 3 months ago. Feels like a year. At that time I thought the hammer was about to drop any second. Now Im realizing this is a marathonhellip Peggy A. on Here Comes the Rider on the White Horse That shows the nature of this final Laodicean (it means the PEOPLE rule) age. Believers are here to impact this failing Babylon System for the Kingdom of Heaven. Instead, many are shaking hands withhellip Ed h on Prophetic Dreams Fulfilled in Equities Market Richard, Sounds like a confirmation of what I came up with. My DOW is slightly higher because my gut feeling is they want to see 20,000. Apenas minha opinião. I was looking at going short at SPY 230 so wehellip Peggy A. on Here Comes the Rider on the White Horse Remember This - Jesus is Coming Back on a White Horse (12/2/2015). believeacts2blog. wordpress/2015/12/02/12-2-15-remember-this-jesus-is-coming-back-on-a-white-horse/ James U on Here Comes the Rider on the White Horse Running prophecy list. (Comprehensive) whygodreallyexists/archives/a-running-list-of-prophecies-compiled-by-dick-ames Sephora on New Earthquake Data Shows Ancient Prophecies Fulfilled And, we ask, Why would the L-rd allow us to encounter someone spreading misinfo/disinfo, willfully (Matthew 24:11) I have had this experience, and I understood why, only a few months later. The purhellip Lydia Hodge on Here Comes the Rider on the White Horse There is definitely a move to make the church more culturally relevant by mixing in worldly music and ideas under the guise of reaching more people. Ive experienced this in churches Ive attended. Myhellip Lydia Hodge on All Eyes Are on One, But it is The Wrong One Great analysis Sephora on Prophetic Dreams Fulfilled in Equities Market 100 Fed manufactured, indeed. Thanks for the technical analysis, Richard. was hoping either you, Aaron or John Smith would chime in (smile). Richard on Prophetic Dreams Fulfilled in Equities Market If you take a look at the market from a technical perspective, these are the current projections. The following are technical Fibonacci extension projections this is not a prophecy: I believe the tohellip B. Hansen on Here Comes the Rider on the White Horse James, I am a bit curious how this video came to your awareness Even though this video may speak words of truth, ( I cant say because I could not continue watching it) is the presentation of God Arhellip Sephora on Prophetic Vision Shows Three Legs Up for Silver Prices Brother James, this story does, indeed, have a happy ending. The L-rd is not indifferent to our feelings and renews our strength to hold fast to what we know to be true. We have sorted through the dishellip asatattack on Putin Obama and Xi Jinping Celebrate Explosion and Plume Cloud I had a dream on October 18th/2016, I was in my hometown of Oshawa, Ontario, Canada. A friend and I were going lion taming, I saw an explosion to the distant South. My response was O. My. God. hellip James U on New Earthquake Data Shows Ancient Prophecies Fulfilled Shes only been prophesying online for about 7 months it seems. A lot of it is warnings that Jesus is coming. She prophesied that Trump would win. This latest prophecy is interesting. Whether one belihellip James Bailey on Here Comes the Rider on the White Horse Thanks Michelle. I saved this for future reference. Sharon S on New Earthquake Data Shows Ancient Prophecies Fulfilled I have listened to several words from Rev. Mary. Does anyone know if she has an accurate tract record TomP on All Eyes Are on One, But it is The Wrong One Hey Phanuel. something interesting is popping up in Michigan. MASSIVE VOTER FRAUD BEING UNCOVERED IN MICHIGAN RECOUNT. The video walks thru a surprising and interesting conclusion of why the recounthellip asatattack on Two Cannons Aimed At All-Seeing Eye in Washington DC Purple is the colour of royalty. Peggy A. on Here Comes the Rider on the White Horse Alert - Former Soros Associate. through WHISTLEBLOWER JEFF (Jeff Byerly). whistleblowerjeff. blogspot/2016/12/alert-former-soros-associate-just. htmlutmsourcefeedburneramputmmediumhellip Rosemary on Prophetic Dream Warns of 9.5 Earthquake in United States Alison, in regards to I am going to be like the mother bird, when she pushes her young out of the nest. They must learn to fly and learn fast or they will die, it made me think how this word providehellip Peggy A. on Obama Provides FEMA Camps for the 8220Safety8221 of Christians Wow, Carmackian, Ive never seen a comment with 81 Thumbs Up. It seems as if Ive only seen 40 maximum, and not often at that. Peggy A. on Obama Provides FEMA Camps for the 8220Safety8221 of Christians When Books Are Burned, They Soon Burn People by Dave Hodges (the Common Sense Show). thecommonsenseshow/2016/12/09/when-books-are-burned-they-soon-burn-people-the-msm-is-burning-bookshellip Kathy C on New Earthquake Data Shows Ancient Prophecies Fulfilled Peggy A. A big hug ---for this amp all you do. I think of Mary at the feet of Jesus----then I think of all the distractions--like. as of Martha----that keep me from His feet Denise on The Angels Of Provision Are Coming Red flags can be a good thing. it helps us discern whats true or not. Do I think angels will literally put money into checking accounts No, not because they cant, but because it would not be overlhellip Francine on Prophetic Dream Warns of 9.5 Earthquake in United States Joe, I wish I could be so proud of Canada (I am a Canadian) but the information I have is very sobering. Canada clearly stands for two states solutions (you can find it on our foreign affairs web sitehellip sgd on Prophetic Dream Warns of 9.5 Earthquake in United States Im making a resolution not to read any Z3 posts for 3 months. I am getting depressed. I love dreams/visions etc. It is my favorite language Adios amigos and feliz navida Tammy on Prophetic Dream Warns of 9.5 Earthquake in United States Lol. this is a reply to correct myself. When I wrote my comment and said tomorrow I was thinking it was still December 9th. Today, December 10th is the 7 year anniversary of Obama RECEIVING the Nohellip sgd on Prophetic Dream Warns of 9.5 Earthquake in United States I had a dream and the woman in my dream was very upset and stated that there was a different feeling in the world and everything has changed. She was very scared. I did not feel her fear in the dream. hellip Kathy C on I Am the No-Name Brand Made for Our Destruction If so Bob --- then I get it ---Its him Kathy C on I Am the No-Name Brand Made for Our Destruction Bob ---are you referring to lightening that falls from heaven Apollyon Peggy A. on Here Comes the Rider on the White Horse A word through ALI WINTERS (awatchmanonthewall) SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2016 You will understand the heart of God as you share the good news with others and they are not interested. When you speak thehellip Peggy A. on New Earthquake Data Shows Ancient Prophecies Fulfilled There is an additional interesting point to consider in this post: A Sobering Thought about The Parable of the Ten Virgins (12/4/2015). believeacts2blog. wordpress/2015/12/04/12-4-15-a-sohellip Donate to Z3 News: Faith Builders: Recent Comments: Sephora on Prophetic Dreams Fulfilled in Equities Market The market riggers are following a pattern: . at the beginning of this year, when bank stocks were getting clobbered, insiders were heavy buyers, with impeccable timing: Jamie Dimon bought 26 millihellip Carmackian on Obama Provides FEMA Camps for the 8220Safety8221 of Christians I found it for a good price. Thx you Peggy. Phanuel on All Eyes Are on One, But it is The Wrong One Hi TomP The Lord knew exactly how many votes were needed for the win. They really rigged this election. There are reports that NV, NH, and VA were all stolen (Bev Harris-Blackbox voting). I also heardhellip Denise on The Angels Of Provision Are Coming Please do not use Gods name to detract for your lack of accountability. False kindness is worse than a heated debate. Edana Estenes on New Earthquake Data Shows Ancient Prophecies Fulfilled Woah, I watched the rider on the white horse. Really good. I see there are two I have to go back and watch the second one. Ken Harbeson on Here Comes the Rider on the White Horse Amen. I am experiencing this exact thing. My own family is scorning me and questioning his written word. I tell you all from my own experience that it is not easy as our flesh is vulnerable but his lohellip Edana Estenes on New Earthquake Data Shows Ancient Prophecies Fulfilled I agree with you James about TB / 666 amp 2028. I remember listening to one of his You Tube videos a while back and he said in the last set of 7 years which runs from 2021 to 2028 he said that he sahellip Kimberly Snyder on The Angels Of Provision Are Coming God bless you Denise and may the God of all wisdom, understanding and knowledge shine HIS divine revelation upon you. Blessings, Kim Kimberly Snyder on The Angels Of Provision Are Coming Amen Martin Kimberly Snyder on The Angels Of Provision Are Coming Amen Michael Well said Peggy A. on The Angels Of Provision Are Coming Will I Get to Meet You at The Marriage Supper of the Lamb (10/24/2015). believeacts2blog. wordpress/2015/10/24/10-24-15-will-i-get-to-meet-you-at-the-marriage-supper-of-the-lamb/ Carmackian on Obama Provides FEMA Camps for the 8220Safety8221 of Christians My goodness. That is a very specific and detailed prophecy. Quite sobering. I try and be ready every day but when i here a word like that. makes me want to go deeper in my faith and repentance. hellip Richard on Prophetic Dreams Fulfilled in Equities Market So are you looking to play metals down or back up Richard on Prophetic Dreams Fulfilled in Equities Market I absolutely believe it will be over 20,000, but Im not sure this will happen with this move up. Im thinking a drop happens first, and then propels us over 20k. But well see it soon. Antwon on Here Comes the Rider on the White Horse Im not here to offend anyone. But seening all these people say what they saw is weird to me. My sense of discernment is at another level. I hate to say this but many are saying things for attention. hellip Peggy A. on Here Comes the Rider on the White Horse Perhaps some people have never heard of this prophecy: The 1965 Prophecy about The United States, Given to the Late Stanley Frodsham. (published by believeacts2 on 10/26/2015). believeacts2bhellip Christian Block on Prophetic Dream Warns of 9.5 Earthquake in United States That would be close to the time of the third super moon. The 7.8 mag earthquake hit New Zealand around the time of the second super moon. The recent earthquake in the Solomon Islands (7.7) has some clhellip Peggy A. on Obama Provides FEMA Camps for the 8220Safety8221 of Christians Carmackian, Just for general reference, please check the last two (short) videos by Reverend Mary. They both have 40 Days in the Titles. very relevant. Carmackian on Obama Provides FEMA Camps for the 8220Safety8221 of Christians Wow. I didnt know that. Thx for sharing that Peggy:). That was 3 months ago. Feels like a year. At that time I thought the hammer was about to drop any second. Now Im realizing this is a marathonhellip Peggy A. on Here Comes the Rider on the White Horse That shows the nature of this final Laodicean (it means the PEOPLE rule) age. Believers are here to impact this failing Babylon System for the Kingdom of Heaven. Instead, many are shaking hands withhellip Ed h on Prophetic Dreams Fulfilled in Equities Market Richard, Sounds like a confirmation of what I came up with. My DOW is slightly higher because my gut feeling is they want to see 20,000. Apenas minha opinião. I was looking at going short at SPY 230 so wehellip Peggy A. on Here Comes the Rider on the White Horse Remember This - Jesus is Coming Back on a White Horse (12/2/2015). believeacts2blog. wordpress/2015/12/02/12-2-15-remember-this-jesus-is-coming-back-on-a-white-horse/ James U on Here Comes the Rider on the White Horse Running prophecy list. (Comprehensive) whygodreallyexists/archives/a-running-list-of-prophecies-compiled-by-dick-ames Sephora on New Earthquake Data Shows Ancient Prophecies Fulfilled And, we ask, Why would the L-rd allow us to encounter someone spreading misinfo/disinfo, willfully (Matthew 24:11) I have had this experience, and I understood why, only a few months later. The purhellip Lydia Hodge on Here Comes the Rider on the White Horse There is definitely a move to make the church more culturally relevant by mixing in worldly music and ideas under the guise of reaching more people. Ive experienced this in churches Ive attended. Myhellip Lydia Hodge on All Eyes Are on One, But it is The Wrong One Great analysis Sephora on Prophetic Dreams Fulfilled in Equities Market 100 Fed manufactured, indeed. Thanks for the technical analysis, Richard. was hoping either you, Aaron or John Smith would chime in (smile). Richard on Prophetic Dreams Fulfilled in Equities Market If you take a look at the market from a technical perspective, these are the current projections. The following are technical Fibonacci extension projections this is not a prophecy: I believe the tohellip B. Hansen on Here Comes the Rider on the White Horse James, I am a bit curious how this video came to your awareness Even though this video may speak words of truth, ( I cant say because I could not continue watching it) is the presentation of God Arhellip Sephora on Prophetic Vision Shows Three Legs Up for Silver Prices Brother James, this story does, indeed, have a happy ending. The L-rd is not indifferent to our feelings and renews our strength to hold fast to what we know to be true. We have sorted through the dishellip asatattack on Putin Obama and Xi Jinping Celebrate Explosion and Plume Cloud I had a dream on October 18th/2016, I was in my hometown of Oshawa, Ontario, Canada. A friend and I were going lion taming, I saw an explosion to the distant South. My response was O. My. God. hellip James U on New Earthquake Data Shows Ancient Prophecies Fulfilled Shes only been prophesying online for about 7 months it seems. A lot of it is warnings that Jesus is coming. She prophesied that Trump would win. This latest prophecy is interesting. Whether one belihellip James Bailey on Here Comes the Rider on the White Horse Thanks Michelle. I saved this for future reference. Sharon S on New Earthquake Data Shows Ancient Prophecies Fulfilled I have listened to several words from Rev. Mary. Does anyone know if she has an accurate tract record TomP on All Eyes Are on One, But it is The Wrong One Hey Phanuel. something interesting is popping up in Michigan. MASSIVE VOTER FRAUD BEING UNCOVERED IN MICHIGAN RECOUNT. The video walks thru a surprising and interesting conclusion of why the recounthellip asatattack on Two Cannons Aimed At All-Seeing Eye in Washington DC Purple is the colour of royalty. Peggy A. on Here Comes the Rider on the White Horse Alert - Former Soros Associate. through WHISTLEBLOWER JEFF (Jeff Byerly). whistleblowerjeff. blogspot/2016/12/alert-former-soros-associate-just. htmlutmsourcefeedburneramputmmediumhellip Rosemary on Prophetic Dream Warns of 9.5 Earthquake in United States Alison, in regards to I am going to be like the mother bird, when she pushes her young out of the nest. They must learn to fly and learn fast or they will die, it made me think how this word providehellip Peggy A. on Obama Provides FEMA Camps for the 8220Safety8221 of Christians Wow, Carmackian, Ive never seen a comment with 81 Thumbs Up. It seems as if Ive only seen 40 maximum, and not often at that. Peggy A. on Obama Provides FEMA Camps for the 8220Safety8221 of Christians When Books Are Burned, They Soon Burn People by Dave Hodges (the Common Sense Show). thecommonsenseshow/2016/12/09/when-books-are-burned-they-soon-burn-people-the-msm-is-burning-bookshellip Kathy C on New Earthquake Data Shows Ancient Prophecies Fulfilled Peggy A. A big hug ---for this amp all you do. I think of Mary at the feet of Jesus----then I think of all the distractions--like. as of Martha----that keep me from His feet Denise on The Angels Of Provision Are Coming Red flags can be a good thing. it helps us discern whats true or not. Do I think angels will literally put money into checking accounts No, not because they cant, but because it would not be overlhellip Francine on Prophetic Dream Warns of 9.5 Earthquake in United States Joe, I wish I could be so proud of Canada (I am a Canadian) but the information I have is very sobering. Canada clearly stands for two states solutions (you can find it on our foreign affairs web sitehellip sgd on Prophetic Dream Warns of 9.5 Earthquake in United States Im making a resolution not to read any Z3 posts for 3 months. I am getting depressed. I love dreams/visions etc. It is my favorite language Adios amigos and feliz navida Tammy on Prophetic Dream Warns of 9.5 Earthquake in United States Lol. this is a reply to correct myself. When I wrote my comment and said tomorrow I was thinking it was still December 9th. Today, December 10th is the 7 year anniversary of Obama RECEIVING the Nohellip sgd on Prophetic Dream Warns of 9.5 Earthquake in United States I had a dream and the woman in my dream was very upset and stated that there was a different feeling in the world and everything has changed. She was very scared. I did not feel her fear in the dream. hellip Kathy C on I Am the No-Name Brand Made for Our Destruction If so Bob --- then I get it ---Its him Kathy C on I Am the No-Name Brand Made for Our Destruction Bob ---are you referring to lightening that falls from heaven Apollyon Peggy A. on Here Comes the Rider on the White Horse A word through ALI WINTERS (awatchmanonthewall) SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2016 You will understand the heart of God as you share the good news with others and they are not interested. When you speak thehellip Peggy A. on New Earthquake Data Shows Ancient Prophecies Fulfilled There is an additional interesting point to consider in this post: A Sobering Thought about The Parable of the Ten Virgins (12/4/2015). believeacts2blog. wordpress/2015/12/04/12-4-15-a-sohellip Donate to Z3 News:
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